Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Eye of the Beholder

I think the general worldwide population would agree that the Eiffel Tower is one of the most beautiful landmarks ever created. People travel across the globe to lay eyes on this gorgeous structure and when they do, are mesmerized by its stature, symmetry, and extravagance. When I first saw this tower my heart quickened and my mouth dropped, obviously for it's physical beauty, but for other underlying meanings as well. I had finally made it to PARIS! The fact that I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go financially and logistically and was actually standing in front of this beautiful tower in this beautiful city was an incredible feeling. So for me, that was a beautiful moment, as I'm sure it has been for the millions of other people in the same situation as me. This tower is also beautiful because of what it symbolizes--a city, its people, their culture, and the pride the French have for their country. It's also a destination that represents adventure, love, and a carefree vibe to those who make the (probably long awaited) journey. So whether you're from Paris or have gone to visit, I have no doubt that you have seen the Eiffel Tower and when you did, felt the power and strength of its beauty and what it represents in your own life. If you haven't seen it in person, I'm sure that you would still describe it as being beautiful and will hopefully have the opportunity to behold it with you own eyes one day!

When I first saw "The Hand" I was extremely confused on the meaning, context, and message that it was supposed to represent. I thought it was kind of scary/creepy looking and its mix-matched patchwork type appearance wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing design I'd ever seen. But upon learning more about it what it symbolizes, its beauty not only became more and more apparent--it became extremely emotional and thought-provoking as well. 

. The goal of the Passion City Conference this past January was to raise money and awareness for the obscenely prevalent issue of Sex Trafficking that is occurring on a global scale. There are actually more people in slavery today than there have ever been in history, whether they are slaves to sex, other people, or the land they live on. The hand represents the efforts being made by millions of people to help put an end to this. The fact that it's a hand represents us extending our hands to them in an effort to pull them out of this misery. This hand was actually built outside of the Passion City Church in Atlanta, standing tall enough for those driving by to witness and wonder about its meaning. It also stands as a beacon of hope, standing tall above the buildings around it, symbolizing the passion of a generation that will refuse to ignore the injustice that is going on in not only its own city, but the rest of the world as well. This hand, overall, represents freedom, which is beautiful.

The unexpected beauty about this structure is that if you just looked at it, you would have no idea what it really stood for. It's eye-catching for its sheer size and for its "out-loud" design, not because its physically appealing. But it is beautiful to those who are involved with the movement it represents and for those it has helped rescue from the bonds of slavery. 

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