Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reason to my Rhyme

All of the links I have posted on my blog give me something to get lost in every time I visit each page.  From The beautiful clothing and aesthetically pleasing website of anthropologie to the  captured-in-the-moment  photography of Allison Cottrill, to my favorite interior designer's  (Erika Powell) pinterest...each time i visit these sites I get to pick the brain of the person who created it. This makes me feel as though I am somewhat (although very indirectly) connected to them in some way shape or form. As far as choosing whose brain to pick goes, my criteria for doing so falls on a very wide spectrum. Some sites are very professional looking, others are informal blogs, and others are globally recognized websites.  Some have to do with solely food, others solely fashion, others solely interiors, and others a healthy mix. Whatever each site offers, I  sincerely enjoy looking at them to see how others think , what inspires them, and just how creative so many people in this world can be! Seeing so many world views through so many different lenses allows me to study and learn on a larger scale, rather than solely focusing my attention on one limiting topic. Food certainly affects kitchen design and layout, fashion has important influence on textile design, color, and shape, photography brings life to a standstill no matter what the picture is of....etc etc etc etc.. So in a nutshell, the blogs I picked represent little pieces of what I hope represent me, my hopes, my interests, and hopefully my future design ideals. My favorite one is hard to choose because they all are so different, but being the pinterest fanatic that I am.. it's gotta be Erika Powell's pinterest. It includes all my favorite things in one place , hand-chosen by one very talented eye that I admire very much.   
Happy Re-Pinning!

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