Thursday, August 30, 2012


So here I sit after finding, taking, uploading, and editing 50 pictures that illustrate all of the various points, lines, and shapes that surround me and I am both surprised and not surprised at what I found. Some of these were extremely easy to identify--others, not so much! But alas, I've attempted to express the shapes that surround me both here in athens and abroad!


the cross pictured at the top demonstrates a point in that it provides the focal viewing point of the picture.
The lamps shot form underneath demonstrates the effect that  positioning has on providing a focal point(s).
The spread hand  provides a perfect backdrop for the two pigeon eggs placed in his palms, their color and shape pulling your eye in.
the light at the end of the tunnel is the focal point of this picture, the contrast in lighting providing great differentiation in the different planes represented in this picture.
the  mason jar lamps are each individual points, but when put together create one larger point that represents a neat-o light fixture.
the two dangling stars create the focal points of this picture as they suspend in space. The digital effect of blurring out the background helps to draw focus to these sparkling stars!

vertical lines represent strength and power which are definitely associated with the images above. Church steeples, cathedrals, towers, and long pathways all demonstrate vertical lines that imply strength on a grand scale. 

the diagonal lines show above represent a dynamic energy present in each photo. For example, the Ferris Wheel (which could also be categorized as structural) shows these lines projecting outward, representing  the fun and whimsical feeling of riding on it. The wine glasses pictured could be categorized as a horizontal line but the angle that I photographed them in presents them on a diagonal, giving the picture a little more of a casual, laid back feel.

the horizons repented above are all perfect examples of a horizontal line. Each image taken in Cape Town provokes a sense of calm stability, provided both by the horizontal line itself and the photos of a serene sea. The fact that all these pictures are of the ocean reiterates that the horizon is an ideal example of a horizontal line and what it represents.


Organic lines are thought to add whimsy and movement to images which all of these certainly possess. The bubble, moving leisurely through the air as if impermeable, to me represents the ideal example of an organic line. The pictures of the doors offer freely moving and twisting lines providing added motion to the images. This cross that I painted shows the movement of organic lines as well...I needed to show this one because I realized the picture of the tunnel above is not a correct example of this type of line. 

These photos suggest that if the lines were not present, the structure pictured would crumble without their support. The masts of the ship, lines contracting the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower as well as the columns of a wet bar in a house are all examples of structural lines. 

IMPLIED: these lines all show how a specific line may be present but not be shown as one cohesive line--it can be dashed or broken like the brick flooring, the flag poles, the beach chairs, and the vineyards pictured below. 

Geometric shapes are present EVERYWHERE! Circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, you name it--they are present around every corner. The coffee cups sitting out at a Parisian cafe demonstrate circles, the table they're sitting on, a rectangle. The window shutters and panes represent squares and rectangles of varying widths and heigths. The sink highlights squares and circles, and the light fixture shows ovals and circles in varying patterns.


Natural shapes are another ever-present shape because they are found naturally all throughout the world. Some shapes I found to be examples of these are trees, animals such as the pigeon, dog, and turkey (?) pictured above. The Alps form Lake Como demonstrate natural shapes as well. The idea is the non of the images pictured above are man-made.

these images showcase a harder type of shape to identify and find and that is because it represents shapes that are altered in some way. The fabrics pictured below show some type of shapes that are manipulated to look like something else. The shadows are elongated versions of the human bodies forming them, showing their altered state. The pumpkin's mouth does use certain lines/shapes but it isn't one definable shape we could easily name, making it abstract in nature.

these types of shapes are unrecognizable without an explanation. The pictures below each represent something that is otherwise unbeknownst to the viewer.

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